Friday, 26 April 2019

Personal Branding: Freelance logo

Opposite are some initial sketches for possible freelance logo designs, i believe it's important to follow the same design of the tps logo in order to make the whole brand visually cohesive.
I've sketched out some possible illustration icons for the centre of the logo, as the rest of the design will follow the same style as the previous logo, i've annotated the two which i believe are the most appropriate and i will develop these further.

From the chosen initial sketches above i began to design possible freelance logos, i believe it's important to have a visually cohesive branding style throughout all of the different parts of my professional practice and so the same concept of a fruit sticker style logo (as previously discussed within the existing tps branding) has been carriEd through the the freelance logo.
A mouth illustration is both a familiar feature to many of tps designs and communicates the idea of working with a client directly, talking through ideas to find a solution.

I included pound signs on the logo to communicate the playful, cheeky side of the prawn shop, making it clear that i'm happy and open to freelance jobs, for the right price.

I then took another one of the initial sketches further, with the colour pallet and overall layout of the above design but with new imagery.
The concept behind this design is playing on the 'shop' element of my brands name, with the illustration mimicking a shops open/closed sign.  i thought that as these logos will eventually be icons within the new prawn shop website that when i'm busy or have enough projects on the go, the logo/icon can be changed to the 'closed' design .

I believe the open/close logo/icon is the most appropriate and also communicates more than i was initially anticipating it would, as it will directly inform the future client that i am available or not for work.

As i begin to add new aspects to tps as i brand, i believe the design style of the above and existing logo/icons can be carried through to the instagram highlight icons, similar to Eva Stilinski's as can be seen opposite, another way of making the brand as professional and cohesive as possible.

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