Saturday, 19 May 2018

PPP Presentation Reflection

I felt very confident going in to the presentation, i understand and am confident in my abilities and my brand and i felt like i had a lot to talk about. Although i feel that the presentation went well, for some reason my voice was very shaky during it, i didn't think i was nervous but obviously i was, i think to improve i just need to practice talking in front of a larger group of people. I feel like the design of my presentation worked really well, i was really happy with how it looked and i felt that it represented my self and my brand very well.
In reflection and based on the feedback i received i feel like i should of discussed my process more, and also what went wrong rather than just focusing on the positives. With this in mind, i would of discussed how stressful balancing a degree and a business can be, how sometimes my packages of t-shirts end up in Scotland rather than Leeds, how it once took 2 days straight to package customer orders, how shocked/annoyed people are in the post office when i turn up with two boxes of packages to post.
I hope to continue to push my brand and also conduct more experimentation when it comes to my university work, rather than sticking to the style that i'm comfortable, as although it works for my brand, it's not always appropriate for my briefs.

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